Hi, Thanks for visiting Kitchen Fables !!
I am a chartered accountant by profession and a passionate foodie. Born in a family of foodies I attribute it to my genes. I learnt cooking from my Mom and then later on, from my sister who are both excellent hosts and can cook for any number of guests.

My Kitchen is to me what a stage is to a performer- a platform to express myself. My second greatest satisfaction lies in seeing others enjoy the food that I cook. This is second only to the feeling I get when I hear other’s experiences when they try my recipes, especially the joy they bring to their families and friends.
I believe two key ingredients of a good recipe are love and patience. Being a working mother I know the importance of time and therefore I try and keep most of my recipes simple and quick. There is nothing better than a simple home cooked nutritious meal.
I started blogging to share the recipes that I have learnt with my friends and family. In the process I also realised that with every dish there were memories attached, stories to share, and that is how Kitchen Fables came into existence.
Please get in touch with me at [email protected]
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