Last week was a bit strenuous, as I had to travel for a personal emergency to Delhi and my daughter fell sick. She is recovering from a viral now, but her appetite has been very poor.

On my trip to Delhi I got some Guavas. By the time I reached back Bangalore the Guavas were ripe and I thought of making Guava Jelly as an entry for 365 Toddler Meal Challenge that my friend Teena Augustine has taken on. Teena and I became friends through Cucumbertown. Teena is a mother of a two year old girl herself. Other than our passion and love for cooking food we also share a lot of other common interests . One of our most discussed topic is “What to feed to our kids” Teena Blogs at:
This Guava Jelly recipe is an old tried and tested recipe of my mother. I have not used any preservative. Lemon juice acts as a preservative and gives a nice tangy flavour, too.
Proof of the pudding is in Eating. I am sure that the Guava Jelly came out well because my daughter and husband have been asking for it in their breakfast ever since i made it.

For this Guava Jelly I also tried a different style of photography and am happy with the results. Do let me know what you think of the pictures.

Recipe of Guava Jelly :
Love the post and the props!
Can I get one jar? 🙂
Awesome awesome awesome….the dark background is very effective and the props look great and full credit to the photographer and of course the chef who made it too. The jelly looks goods and am sure it must be tasteful
Thanks Sujata !!
How I wish customs would allow that …
Thank you so much Sundari !! 🙂 made my day !!
the pics are really great and the jam was as really good.
Also wanted to know as there are no preservatives how long the jelly will last.
Thank you Laxmi !!! This will last six months … ( if it does last that long )